Access to Health Care
Assisting families access the timely use of personal health services and resources to achieve the best health outcomes.
Fiscal responsibility
Work with city parish to pursue the appropriate level of government spending and
tax to maintain sustainable public finances, ensure fiscal policy aids the optimal
rate of economic growth and maintain appropriate levels of public investment.
Continued Economic Development
Work to improve the quality of life and the well-being of the district by recruiting
new businesses and community resources to support families.
Crime Prevention through law enforcement redevelopment
Work with the community and our newly redeveloped local law enforcement agencies to reduce and deter crime and keep our communities safe.
Continue to expand community infrastructure
Work with the city parish to scale basic structures, technical facilities and systems built at the community level that are critical for sustenance of lives and livelihoods of district 7.
LaMont's District "7" Point Plan
Blight Remediation
Blight is the direct result of population loss. We must continue to work with the city parish to develop a comprehensive plan to address dilapidated buildings, overgrown lots and vacant homes to place them back in commerce.
Access to High Quality Education for All Children
Work with local school systems to ensure we are doing everything we can to provide all our children with the high-quality education they will need to succeed in a global society and become productive citizens.